Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Germ Central

I haven't updated my blog for awhile now, this house has been full of germs. Someone has been sick at one time or another in the past two weeks or so. Evan had the flu and took every chance he had to deny that he was going to throw up only to puke all over something or someone! Daniel didn't feel well either so the first day Evan was sick, he stayed home from work. I love him...he knows I can't handle throw up!!! I ended up with a pretty bad sore throat that lasted for a few days, but eventually went away, now I feel like I have a cold coming on. Kyler has been complaining about a sore throat for the past few days, but he has managed to go to school, I think only because he wanted to do after school activities. Alex ended up with a pretty good cough, but seems to be recovering from it pretty well.

I just got done ironing karate uniforms....I could have strangled Kyler today, I called him about 6:30 and asked him to put them in the dryer and about 8:30 I asked if he had switched the clothes and he got up to do it...I had to wait for them to dry and then iron and starch all three of them, plus the uniform he had to borrow when he went to Johnstown on Saturday to train and forgot his!!! I don't know what his problem is lately, but he is doing NOTHING that I ask him to do. He is acting like such a teenager!

I had lunch with Alex today at school. It was pretty quick...the child would not sit down. I know I told him 3 times to sit his butt on the chair! I don't think he would be able to sit still to save his life. He kept saying, "I'm going to go back to my class now, I am going to miss handwriting class." He didn't realize that most of his class was still in the cafeteria eating and they give them longer when they have parents there. Finally I just quit eating and told him that Pappy and I were going to leave. He stood up, took his tray over and didn't even say goodbye...when I turned around from clearing my tray, he was gone. Wow...wish I had his energy.

All Evan wanted to do today was argue with me. Nothing I said was agreeable. We were on our way home from town and he asked if we could stop at Aunt Rebel's and I told him that she was working. He said then we can see Uncle Chris, I told him his was working too and we proceeded to identify everyone else's whereabouts...He argued that Uncle Chris' truck was there and when I told him that Uncle Chris had the car and Aunt Rebel had the Jeep, he matter-of-factly told me, "You are just jealous!" I have no idea what he thinks that means, but obviously that is the only thing he could think to say and would not believe me that no one was home. So, when we got home I called Reb at work and told her she could stop and pick him up on her way home and keep him!!

Well, that is the short version of what happened the past couple of days. I need to get to sleep, Kyler has an appointment with the allergist in the morning and we have test tomorrow at 5, so I better try to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Evan is hilarious! Maybe not to you & if he was mine, not to me either, but from the outside looking in, the kid is a riot! How'd your test go? Sorry you all are sick, that stinks. Feel better & stay better soon.
